Data-driven methodology delivers faster, better Virtual Agents | Calabrio

Bot Analytics, formerly known as Wysdom, was purchased by Calabrio in 2023.

Data-driven methodology delivers faster, better Virtual Agents


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Insurers either have a Virtual Agent or are working on one. From sales to customer support, Virtual Agents automate and speed up processes for customers, while increasing sales and cutting costs for businesses.

The key is to get high quality in the shortest time possible. One dramatic example comes from a leading North American insurer.

The challenge

Digital-first provides many benefits and encourages a strong focus on keeping costs low. An insurer knew that customer contact centres are a legacy that few digital businesses want or can afford.

Experiencing rapid customer growth, they wanted an alternative. Automation through a Virtual Agent was the only way to deliver a high-class customer experience at lower cost. That’s as customers lack the patience to wait in a call queue. Instead, they expect an automated response across any business interaction. Why should insurance be any different?


Goals and approach

The insurer’s team needed support to find the right Virtual Agent solution. Wysdom worked with them and applied a proven 6 step Virtual Agent design methodology to rapidly design the right solution, including:

  • Determining the optimal topics to automate in a multi-phase approach
  • Mapping the current customer journey across digital, messaging and phone
  • Analyzing historical chat transcripts and agent dispositions
  • Designing the right architecture for the use cases identified

Wysdom used its proprietary AI model to mine the client’s historical data to define a master topic list, including conversations to:

The insurer worked with Wysdom for a complete design, build and management of a Virtual Agent integrated with live chat, available 24×7 to customers and prospects.

Impact and results

Customers were quick to adopt the solution at launch, and were happy to speak to a Virtual Agent to get answers fast. The number of conversations handled grew substantially as the Virtual Agent was added to other platforms and made available 24×7. With ongoing management by Wysdom the Virtual Agent continued to learn every day.

Results and benefits included:

What’s next?

The initial success proved the Virtual Agent’s value in the marketplace.

Future plans include:

  • Additional channels such as a mobile-app to provide multiple entry-points for the customer
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) launches soon for customers who prefer to use voice centric contact methods
  • More complex use cases such as switching payment terms and getting account-specific information directly through the Virtual Agent

Looking to launch an enterprise-grade Virtual Agent quickly?

We can get you up and running with a Virtual Agent in weeks, on the chatbot platform of your choice. You’ll see immediate improvements to customer service, employee satisfaction and the bottom line.

That’s real Wysdom.

Get in touch today!

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