How using Conversational AI to enhance IT support can improve your company | Calabrio

Bot Analytics, formerly known as Wysdom, was purchased by Calabrio in 2023.

How using Conversational AI to enhance IT support can improve your company


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The New Normal:

Due to the social isolation measures put in place for the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are changing the way they do business. These changes stretch into the foreseeable future, and companies are adapting as a result. Below is a list of some of the ways that “the new normal” is the changing business. Please note that this list, in addition to the subsequent lists in this article, are not exhaustive.

  • Help desk and call center employees are working from home
  • Constrained budgets
  • Messaging is reaching 50% of total contact volume
  • Office employees are working from home
  • Customers are concerned with their help, meaning fewer face-to-face transactions
  • Internet services are more essential than ever, as customer’s salaries depend on it

Virtual assistant powered IT support allows for improved user experience on both the IT agent, and user side. The user is able to access automated self-service for inquiries of lower complexity, and the agent is assisted in order to answer the more complex inquiries that may arise.

Benefits of Bots:

Bots have a number of features that increase both customer and employee satisfaction. Below are some examples of how using conversational AI to strengthen IT assistance enhances experience for all parties involve

  • 24/7 Availability: Bots can provide round-the-clock IT support access, increasing productivity.
  • Proactive engagement: Bots are able to predict and report tickets, saving time and costs by preventing major problems and outages.
  • Optimization: Bots can deflect simple, routine tickets, lowering costs and allowing live agents to focus their energy on more complex tickets, optimizing their time.
  • Faster resolution: Bots increase overall resolution rate, as well as ticket resolution rate.

Proven Use Cases:

There are a number of potential uses for IT assistance bots, below are some examples.

  • Improves self service: Routine incidents and service requests are answered by bots, as well as the capability of smart suggestion of relevant self-help articles.
  • Helps agents be more efficient: Bot can assist agents by preparing help desk volume reports, broadcasting messages across the organization, and proactively informing agents about major issues.
  • Enables improved knowledge management: Bots are extremely helpful in self-help and ticket deflation. Additionally, it allows for intelligent search, smart solution suggestion, gap identification and creation of solution articles.
  • Assists with tickets: Categorization of tickets is a low level and time consuming task for live agents, that can easily be done by a bot. A bot can sort tickets to the corresponding agent group, resolve simpler tickets itself, and escalate only when required.
  • Deflects common low-level inquiries: Bot can manage common inquiries such as password resets. Access provisioning and deprovisioning can be done by your bot, by identifying the request and requester and quickly sending approval requests to corresponding managers. Additionally, workflow automation can be done by automatically notifying relevant approvers.

Is an IT assistance bot right for me?

In order to determine whether the use of conversational AI to enhance IT assistance, there are a number of possible metrics one could use to determine value. Below are some examples.

  • Cost reduction: Deflecting live chats, email, and phone support through self-service automation reduces operational costs for your organization. Optimization is typically an ongoing expense for companies that purchase conversational AI, but Wysdom’s optimization team eliminates this consideration.
  • Growth support: Bots handle more interactions and solve more tickets without increasing costs.
  • Employee satisfaction: As bots can solve and deflect simpler tickets, live agents will be able to focus their energy on more complex tickets, reducing the monotony of their work and raising morale.

If you are interested in discovering more ways an IT assistance bot can enhance your organization.

Get in touch today!

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