The Health of the Contact Centre Report

A recent study of 1,000 agents worldwide uncovers the true health of today’s contact centres. Read the report for key findings that can help you revitalise your agent experience.

Thank You: 2021 Gartner Report

Contact Centre Priorities for 2018

What do contact centres want to achieve and why do these goals matter? Get your copy of the CCW Digital Executive Report to learn the main goals executives have for their contact centre in the [...]

Make Every Day “Game Day” in Your Contact Centre

Modern contact centres use gaming science and psychology to increase agent productivity while reinforcing positive behaviours. This “gamification” incents and recognises agents, motivating them [...]

5 Strategies to Improve Agent Experience in the Call Centre

Hot off the heels of our successful C3 events in Nashville and London, and all the great workforce engagement management (WEM) presentations I saw there, I’m reminded once again how tightly tied [...]

Top 4 Ways to Elevate Agent Engagement in Your Contact Centre

If you think you’ve been hearing more about agent engagement—aka “workforce engagement management (WEM)”—lately, you’re probably right. With the increasing focus on the customer experience, [...]

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