Inspiring Change Through Contact Center Analytics | Calabrio
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Inspiring Change Through Contact Center Analytics


The world is data-driven. And the motto “numbers don’t lie” stems from the idea that data is the source of undeniable truth. Data driven metrics act as a catalyst; it reveals patterns, uncovers strengths and weaknesses, and prompts change. While companies acknowledge data as an important business tool, many fail to wholly utilize the information available, particularly insight from the contact center. And as a result, they miss the mark on delivering what customers want.

We recently surveyed more than 1,000 C-suite executives in the U.S. and U.K. and found that, overall, companies aren’t using available data to its fullest potential in driving change. While 85 percent of respondents agreed that data and analytics are important to informing sales and marketing changes, they also admitted to relying only on a small number of data points. Nearly half said they rely heavily on just a single point, including revenue figures (39 percent) and social media data (35 percent).

Companies that rely on limited data points will never gain a holistic view of their customers. And lacking this insight does little to enable necessary changes that create loyal customers. Even executives who do look at customer opinion to drive change don’t consider all sources of information 49 percent rely on ratings and reviews, while 40 percent utilize social media. Both channels deliver skewed data since customers who take time to post are most likely either extremely pleased or unpleased with the company.

What’s most surprising is that 68 percent of executives admitted to having an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” attitude toward change. Without direct pressure on the business, major transformation initiatives simply don’t happen. However, in a highly competitive market, businesses can’t afford to change only when something breaks. Consumer loyalty is fleeting, and if companies fail to stay ahead of the curve and continuously innovate, customers will leave.

We know that contact center data can give companies critical insights that drive strategic change, and the Calabrio ONE platform is designed to encourage that type of business transformation. By weaving together customer interaction data from all channels and producing visually appealing, easy-to-understand reports, decision-makers can feel assured they are getting a complete view of the customer and use that insight to confidently drive change.

Contact center analytics act as a change agent and should be a business imperative. To learn how contact center insights can successfully drive company transformation, check out the full report: Business Transformation and Analytics: Driving Change in a Customer-Centric World

Tom Goodmanson, President and CEO of Calabrio
Tom Goodmanson, President and CEO of Calabrio, has more than 20 years of experience leading fast growing dynamic software and technology companies. Since assuming the CEO position in 2009, Tom is credited with reinventing the company and its culture around a strategy to expand value and reach through new, innovative products, and remarkable customer experiences. Addressing the market need for simpler solutions to complex customer interaction challenges, Tom’s vision to redefine the standard for software ease-of-use has been instrumental in making Calabrio one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.
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